2013年5月12日 星期日

Five Mistakes laptop battery

Laptop battery should be how to maintain? In fact, for a wide range of laptop, notebook battery, in addition to their own quality problems will cause an explosion, the improper use of the users themselves are also likely to lead to security incidents generated by the battery. Therefore, we should try to avoid the following five errors.

Myth: notebook lithium battery exhaustion is full.
Lithium battery over-charging and discharging the rapid abatement activity of the battery. So, in the course of, do not deliberately charging to 100%, use the power runs out automatic shutdown generally use about 10% to begin, charging about 98% can stop charging, so the battery does not damage.
Myth: as long as the uninterruptible power supply is shut down on the bed.
This is apt to cause the battery to overheat fire, should try to avoid the computer is placed in the sofa bed is not easy to heat.
Myth: Never remove the battery.
In fact, the problem of over-charging for a good design of a block of the lithium battery is not exist, because the lithium battery protection circuit. Not charge when the charge indicator turns off. However, due to the lithium battery in the overheated environment, the speed of aging will accelerate. Summer if you do not use the battery, it should be taken down to prevent overheating cause damage.
Myth: fully charged can still connect the power to continue to use.
To do so, in addition to resulting in a reduction of battery life, AC and battery at the same time, it will result in overheating of the machine, it is easy to damage other components. The easiest way is - fully charged immediately cut off the external power supply.
Myth: The battery needs to be fully charged or put the photoelectric saving.
Notebook lithium battery needs to be regularly active, whether it is fully charged or put photoelectric, are incorrect. The put photoelectric save time too long, so that the batteries will lose their activity; fully charged to save time is too long, be a security risk. Appropriate approach is to discharge save 30%, about 40%.

